Welcome to Radiant Balance

Welcome to the Radiant Balance practice, my name is Dr Shania Seeber. I am a qualified naturopathic doctor with over 2 decades of experience in integrative and lifestyle medicine. As a naturopath I use lifestyle, food, herbs, supplements and homeopathy in my treatment plans, but if you need a more medical approach I have a number of excellent Gp’s in my network I can refer you to.

My approach includes a full assessment of your medical and life history, I even need to know things about your parents or your genetics, so that I can get a complete picture of what predisposed you to feeling the way you are currently feeling, what, if anything is causing you to stay in that state and what was the triggering event, so we can address those fundamentals and give your body the tools it needs to heal itself.

The process is fairly simple, you will complete your intake forms, I will then analyse them. We then meet for an initial consultation where I will ask you questions to get that complete picture of you. We will then discuss possible tests that may be needed, and I will put you on a 30 day reset program while we wait for the results. I have had excellent success with that 30 day reset and it will prepare you physically and mentally for your onward journey to optimal health.

I don’t run tests unless I feel they will answer a specific question I have and they will benefit you on your journey. I run between 1 and 4 tests, depending on your budget and timeline. We will discuss these in detail in our consultation.

I will send regular follow up forms to track your progress and ensure you are on the right track.

To book a discovery call

I am also a author, lecturer and I have developed a few courses on hormones and nutrigenomics that may assist you in having a better understanding of how your body works and how to work best with it.

Our most popular tests

General blood screening

As part of your overall health screen, general blood labs will be ordered and assessed.

Functional tests

Over and above the blood tests, we will order labs to look at how your body uses what is in the blood in order to help you make energy, detoxify, manage monthly cycles etc. These are generally done through urine tests, but hair, stool and other sample types can also be used.

©2024 Radiant Balance

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